Sunday, May 19, 2019
New Dancer Hoedown
We had 28 dancers (6 class members and 22 angels) attend the dance this year. From all the smiles, you can see everyone had a great time.
New Dancer Hoedown
We had 28 dancers (6 class members and 22 angels) attend the dance this year. From all the smiles, you can see everyone had a great time.
After all the fun and dancing, it was time to re-fuel the body. Twenty of us went to Chili's for a snack. Well...not just a snack, maybe a margarita or two, some ribs, steaks, and other good items on the menu. And, of course, we paid our bills using scrip sold by the Shirts 'N Skirts Square Dance Club. Good outing for all !!