Square Dance Call Links to Saddlebrook Squares YouTube Videos
New students are invited to review previous weeks' calls. Experienced dancers may use the videos to brush up on their dancing skills. Thank you to Saddlebrook Squares for providing the videos and to Eric Masters of the Churchmice for taking this the extra mile by reserching and finding that the videos may be broken out by individual call and providing me with his work product which made my job much easier.
We suggest that you download the file to your local computer, then click on the file name to display the file. Then click on the Call name that you wish to play. Click on the "down arrow on the top right of the screen below to download to your pc.
New students are invited to review previous weeks' calls. Experienced dancers may use the videos to brush up on their dancing skills. Thank you to Saddlebrook Squares for providing the videos and to Eric Masters of the Churchmice for taking this the extra mile by reserching and finding that the videos may be broken out by individual call and providing me with his work product which made my job much easier.
We suggest that you download the file to your local computer, then click on the file name to display the file. Then click on the Call name that you wish to play. Click on the "down arrow on the top right of the screen below to download to your pc.